State Rep. Brian BeGole today was elected to a leadership role for the Michigan House of Representatives’ upcoming legislative term.
BeGole, of Antrim Township, was elected by his House Republican colleagues as Assistant Floor Leader for the 2025-26 term when Republicans retake majority. BeGole will help lead legislative efforts for Republicans during House session and ensure parliamentary procedure and House rules are followed.
“It’s an honor to be elected for this role by my colleagues,” BeGole said. “Communities across our region and the state have been very clear on issues that matter to them. They expect action so that their cost of living burden is lowered, their neighborhoods are safer, and their government is working with them in mind. These are things I have consistently pushed for the past two years, and now this position will allow me to fight for reforms and bring results. I am incredibly excited to get rolling.”
BeGole was recently re-elected to the Michigan House for a second term. He represents the 71st District which includes portions of Shiawassee, Saginaw and Genesee counties.

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