State Rep. Beau LaFave today expressed extreme frustration after dozens of radical, pro-abortion extremists infiltrated the Michigan House chamber during legislative session on Wednesday, causing a lengthy delay to the state’s democratic process.
“I watched in horror the events at the U.S. Capitol unfold on January 6, 2021, and I promptly demanded protesters in Washington, D.C. to leave immediately, as they would accomplish nothing by disobeying police, threatening lawmakers, and causing damage,” said LaFave, of Iron Mountain. “It needed to be said then, and it bears repeating now.”
Police detained one individual while clearing the chamber, so the Legislature was eventually able to continue conducting business. The individual received a trespassing ticket for causing a public disturbance after being asked to leave.
“These criminals acted far too much like the individuals involved in the events at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021,” LaFave said. “With this disorder in our Capitol and the attempted attack on a sitting justice of the Supreme Court, we need leaders who can preach reason and common sense. Instead, we have Whitmer and Nessel fanning the flames to benefit their own careers. Someone is going to get hurt because of this.”
“If Donald Trump’s request for a peaceful protest on January 6, 2021, makes him responsible for those events, then Gov. Whitmer is responsible for yesterday’s dismay for instructing her followers to fight like hell,” LaFave said.

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